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Scrapbook Blog

Kids and teenagers with "Super Cool" and "Noteworthy" lines | Anna Komenda

Kids and teenagers with "Super Cool" and "Noteworthy" lines | Anna Komenda

17 Mar 2020 0 Comments

Hello Pinkfresh Studio fans. It's Anna here with my two new pages created with "Super cool" and "Noteworthy" lines. I am a mom of two girls. Younger one - Maja - is almost 7 years old and it's still sweet and cute. My older daughter - Gabrysia - is freshly baked teenager and I am still trying to get used to this. She is funny yet sarcastic (she took it from me :) ), toys are no longer her jam and she is becoming a member of online community.

"Super cool" line is just perfect for scrapbooking her pictures. Funny quotations and texts sound like taken directly from my home.  It's so hard to find such a well designed, teenager themed, lines. 

I started with a simple pattern with grey stripes - perfect for the background. Diagonal stripes inspired me to give up straight angles and add a little bit of mess is dynamics to the layout by twisting everything to le left. Single row of frames reminds me of scrolling through IG feed. It also adds splash of color.

My title is a combination of a cut file with a word "cool" (it will be avialable is the store very soon), some letters cut our with "Adore alpha dies" and blue puffy alpha stickers from the "Super cool" collection. 

This layout is about my daughter chatting with her friends so I decided to gather as many screen faces as possible. I also cut out some speach bubbles from one of the papers and added them to composition. 

The final result is very fresh, graphic and modern - just like my daughter's world right now. And I need to start getting used to "new her". I recorded a process video for you, with some tips abour creating diaginal composition. I hope you will find there some useful information.

My second page is about my younger daughter. She is a child that is always scared of trying new things and very afraid of getting hurt. That's why riding a bike is something we still didn't manage to accomplish... However we did purchase some great, new bike to encourage her. She tried it few times but she still need extra wheels to keep rolling. Maybe one day she will be brave enough to let me take them off :)

"Noteworthy" collection had just a perfect paper to document this memory - paper with colorful bicycles. I have to be honest with you - I am poor with dealing with busy backgrounds. I like simple patters or just plain, white cardstock. That's why this paper was a challenge for me. I didn't want to put gesso over it but I also couldn't leave it like it is. So, being ispired by the clouds in the pattern, I drew few of my own and added them to the background.

Clouds created some anchors for adding embellishments and pictures. I grouped them in three sections creating visual trianagle. The "heaviest" one was made by two pictures and part of the title. I added some bits and pieces from ephemera pack and few puffy stickers around photos. Alpha stickers included in the "Noteworthy" collection are so pretty. Love this colorful design.


Dividing the title in two sections can become handy if we want to use different sizes of letters. Blue color of clouds makes every embellishment pop. Otherwise they would be lost between bikes. I am not a fan of adding my journaling on the fron of the page so I am always adding few words on the back of the layout. This way, I can easily remember the thoughts behid the LO but noone "unauthorised" can read my private notes. 

That is all for today my dear friends. The amount of inspiration added to this blog by my fellow DT girls is outstanding. Each page is unique even though we ude similar products. This is something that always amazes me about being creative. i hope you will also find a lot of inspiration to keep those creative juices flowing. See you next month <3

XO Anna

    Pinkfresh Studio Supplies

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