The Simple Things Layout - Violeta
Hello! I am Violeta Scrap and I am thrilled to be back here to show you a new layout I created with collection The Simple Things.
This time I want to show you how I have made a layout using very few elements but
with a fantastic result.
As decorative elements I have used different products. I have put a die cut of the
collection The Simple Things. For the title I have used Puffy Alpha Stickers. Last, I have added some Puffy Stickers, that combine with the colors of the Project.

I had lots of fun making this Project. I encourage you to do this project, I am sure that you get fantastic layouts.

This is a very simple project that you can reproduce with some pictures of a special
occasion. I hope you like this project and it gives you some inspiration for your further scrapbooking projects.

See you next time!