Hi! Kerstin here today with a - hmmm - as what do I call it. It's a box - laugh - clearly a box! My idea was to make my daughter Leonie a surprise after trouble and stress at work. Here in Germany there is a candy where the advertising slogan is "excitement, fun and play". And that's exactly how I wanted to surprise Leonie! That's why I made this SURPRISE INSIDE Box.
Let's get started!
I started with the bottom part of the box with the awesome Happy Heart Paper. I folded at 1/2, 1, 6, 6 1/2 und 7 inch. I also cut the paper at 7 inches. I folded at 1/2, 1, 6 and 6 1/2 inches on all sides. I cut two small squares and made all the edges inside. I made a bottom (a little smaller as the box) for the box out cardboard and glued the cute Sunny & Bright Paper on. This bottom I glued into the box. Then I made a cover for my box out of acetate. That was a little tricky but it worked and looks - I think - amazing! I made the cover slightly larger than the bottom of the box. I placed the acetate on my folding board, the bottom on top and folded to the right an left of the bottom. I know there are other/maybe better methods for sure ... but this works for me well! For the sides of the top, I cut all sides 1/2 inch lager and stapled the sides. I painted the inside of the top with acrylic paint, decorated with the amazing Artistic Bows Die and the Mini Tags with Fillable Words Die. My note Surprise inside I made with the Happy Heart Mini Alphabet Stickers and Puffy Alpha Stickers.
Puhhh ... that was as lot to explain/read now! I'll try to be short now and let pictures speak for themselves!
I decorated 5 different Happy Heart Journaling Bits and tied them together with a bow. On the back of the Journaling Bits I left a little positive message.
To give Leonie another surprise I made a "game".
I cut a cardboard in the size 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 inches and glued paper on. I decorated this square with different embellishments form the Happy Heart collection and of course integrated a photo. I cut this decorated square into 1 1/2 x 1 1/2 inch squares. Finished the puzzle!
I wrapped it in a little bag that I embossed with the Delicate Floral Print Stamp and painted with some watercolor paint.
Leonie loves her SURPRISE INSIDE box!
Now I'm excited how you like it! I hope I can inspire you to make someone a "excitement, fun and play" box.
See you nex time!
Muy linda idea!!! Me encantó!!
Muy linda idea!!! Me encantó!!