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Scrapbook Blog

Monochrome layouts with Anna

Monochrome layouts with Anna

24 Sep 2017 0 Comments

Hello! Anna is here today with my monochrome layouts I made using two new collections - Boys Fort and Escape The Ordinary. When you are out of ideas, but still want to create something - the choosing of color palette with one-two main colors can really help you. I often use two or three colors for one projects, but I never tried to use only one! This is Boys Fort collection is who inspired me to try this!

And my first layout for today is 'something red' (okay here red isn't the only color - you still can see a lot of gray and white, but these are neutral colors and the layout still looks like 'red'). When I created these layouts I started with not picking the pictures (I still have too many to decorate), but with picking all the supplies of one color from the collection. And for Escape The Ordinary is was the red color.

For the background I used 'Search' sheet - it has a colored dots, but they are to small and the sheet looks neutral. Also I didn't use layering here. Just took the picture of my girl and one journaling card, added the die cut branches (I used 6x6 papers for them). And as the decorations I added some ephemeras and title and also added few enamel dots.

And a couple of words about the picture and titles. It was our summer vacation when every day was hot and sunny. But when we decided to have the travel to the nearest town - it was rainy-rainy morning. My girl was sitting before the window like this with her sad eyes. And I used 'Smile and Enjoy' title to support her and to show, that even after rain always the sun comes. Just smile.

The second layout is all about Boys Fort collection and black color! Oh yes - strange choice for scrapping the family picture! But the man is the main person the picture, so I chose this color. But... why not?) I even the maid my photo black and white.

I picked the darkest sheets and embellishments of the collection and combined them all together into the simple layout. I even made the frill of the tissue paper. And here you can see some layering and playing with the details. For example - look how I sticked the strip with the sentiment on the large chipboard alpha stickers.

Have a good day!

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