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Scrapbook Blog

Colorful stories using Felicity and Life Noted

27 Mar 2016 0 Comments

Hi everyone!  It's Kim here today to share some fun and vibrant layouts with you! Sometimes I just feel the need for lots of color and for these projects I wanted to pull out some favorites that I love to use on my pages!  For this first page I wanted to use an old favorite, the pie chart!  It's been used a lot but it never gets old to me because there are lots of ways to reinterpret them and make them fun!  I painted mine here using watercolors in a very inky sort of way.

I filled them in with little strips of the collection papers, also I used some paint chip pieces that I had on hand.  I love to add a little something from my stash to make it unique! 

For my next page I pulled out my favorite gelatos! You can create the funnest pages with just a few swipes of color.  I first painted a square grid design that I knew I would fill in somehow with gelatos. Sometimes I love the layout more when I don't think to long on them so I grabbed a few colors I thought would fit and immediately colored along my page!

I love the vibrant yet simple feel along with the black and white photo. The acetate words fit well too and I didn't really plan it that way.  

There's so much versatility in these collections that you can really pull off any style.  I love the super thick papers too because they take wet media pretty good and don't warp at all!   

I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday and taking some time to get a little crafty!

Have a great weekend!



    Pinkfresh Studio Supplies

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